A Rare ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Is Happening June 21 (Scientific/Spiritual)

Image: Surya Grahan | Image credit: iStock

On June 21, you will witness an annular solar eclipse which will show a ring of fire during the eclipse – also called the Annulus.  How will this affect you spiritually?

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2020: The Passing

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
-2 Timothy 4:4

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2019: The Final Countdown

Over the past 8 years I have been channeling and writing articles which all speak of the divine plan being put into place for the coming of the new Age of Aquarius. I have spoken about the collapse of the European Union and the propagated war between the polarities. I have spoken about how materialism has become the idol to adore and worship and I have explained the messages regarding the return of the gods. Continue reading “2019: The Final Countdown”

The Awakening: Message from Venus

“My beloved children, you have been told about the recent alignments in the heavens mirroring back to Earth and the significance of your year 2018 has also been explained to you. This is indeed the year of The Awakening and of the Shamballa frequencies penetrating your thoughts and aligning them with its own vibrations in order to help humanity rise above the corruption of false doctrines in order to re-introduce you to the true doctrine that is the H Θεία Λειτουργία, the divine liturgy. Continue reading “The Awakening: Message from Venus”

Labyrinth Initiation by Inanna & Marduk

Marduk & Inanna: We open you like a book, Nanaea, to help you look inside yourself for we are not only outside of you but we are also within you. All of the gods are within you and you hold all of their archetypes and each time you are guided to expel one of those archetypes to project it so that you are able to learn the lesson from this particular god. Continue reading “Labyrinth Initiation by Inanna & Marduk”

The Shining: Planetary Alignment

Now comes the hour foretold, a god-gift bringing .
A wonder-sight.
Is it a star new-born and splendid up springing Out of the night?
Is it a wave from the Fountain of Beauty up flinging Foam of delight?
Is it a glorious immortal bird that is Winging Hither its flight?

It is a wave, high-crested, melodious, triumphant,
Breaking in light.
It is a star, rose-hearted and joyous, a splendour Risen from night.
It is flame from the world of the gods, and love runs before it,
A quenchless delight.

Let the wave break, let the star rise, let the flame leap.
Ours, if our hearts are wise,
To take and keep.
Song of Brigit

I sit in prayer and hear father Enki speak to me and ask me to open my laptop and begin typing:

Enki: “My daughter, my Nanaea, it has been some time for me to tell you of a prophecy that is to come and here I am sharing this with you and knowing you will listen and heed my words. After I have finished speaking to you can you then go to search for what I have said but for now I want you listen and write.”

Continue reading “The Shining: Planetary Alignment”

2017: The Coming Times

Over the past few months I have been receiving many messages and images which I have been storing in my memory for the day that would come where they could all be explained to me and for when I would be told to share what I had been told.

Continue reading “2017: The Coming Times”

The Rose Ashram of the Ascended Masters

Celestial Blessings, my dearest loves. I AM Nanaea and I am a representation of Venus on Earth. Today I bring to you the message of resurrection from Mama Venus who is tirelessly assisting humanity and Earth consciousness in their ascension process and aiding in their transitioning from the darkness of ignorance and fearfulness into the light of wisdom and illumination.

Continue reading “The Rose Ashram of the Ascended Masters”

The Creative Will

Enki: “Peace is with you all. These days leading to the New Year according to the time of your consciousness on Earth will bring a magnificence of truth and a new doorway that is opening within you for the star is within all men and women. There is a network of frequencies which knit themselves together to create a matrix and this surrounds you all right now as the merging between your world and the kingdom continues. Continue reading “The Creative Will”