The War Between Man & Beast: Babalon Speaks

For I was to you ALL things
But you chose death over life;
You chose darkness over light
And in the process you found pain
From your rejection of peace
And for this you have been allotted a number
And you have been given a mark.
You craved illusion over divine reality
And you sought the material as your idol.

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The Golden Apple: Babalon Speaks

The veil of the abyss is opening
And the dragon of the Earth is surging forth.
The ice that once covered the hand of Time is thawing
From the breath of Shalhevet
And again the aeon shall resound.

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Liber de Serpentis: Babalon Speaks

Revere, revere for I am all of the world
And therefore I am within each and every ‘one’ of you.
Do not laugh in my faces, believing yourselves to be my master;
No man can claim the rose unless he sacrifices his seed to Malkuth
To fertilize my land and to nurture me with love.

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Liber Celestia: Babalon Speaks

Rest assured that all you have heard about and all you have not heard shall come to pass
And the Bright Morning star shall fall for you all as a sign of sacrifice
And the Bright Morning Star that is born from the mothers womb in heaven
Shall be born from the mothers’ womb on Earth.
For this is the law of reincarnation
The mighty children of the divine enter Earth reality this way;
First as a star being born and then as a human in matter.
And the Bright Morning Star shall walk upon the cross that has been created for him
By those who have prepared his way
And those who have opened all the doors of the temple of the new aeon
And who have built the foundations of the new temple upon the words of the ancients
With the words of the gods
So that the new temple shall be resurrected
From the left and right pillars of DURANKI!

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As Above, So Below – The New Temple

I see a golden pyramid and at the top there is a cloud of gold dust within which I see the upper torso and head of Father Enki. He smiles at me with so much love and I begin to cry. The rays emanating from him touch the ground and one ray is penetrating through my heart. His face changes and morphs into St. Germaine, Thoth, Hermes, Nabu, and back to Enki again. He tells me:

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