Inanna Speaks: The Star of Hope

Blessings and love. I AM Nanaea and I am the vessel and emanation of Venus on Earth. On Venus where my higher self vibrates most powerfully, I am receiving this message for you these times from our beloved Mother and Queen of Heaven and Earth.

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An exclusive peek in the world of Spiritualism

For twenty years, photographer Shannon Taggart has been taking pictures of the world’s largest Spiritualist community in Lily Dale, New York – and other smaller communities around the world.

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Quartz Crystals at Earth’s Core Power its Magnetic Field

The Earth’s core consists mostly of a huge ball of liquid metal lying at 3000 km beneath its surface, surrounded by a mantle of hot rock. Notably, at such great depths, both the core and mantle are subject to extremely high pressures and temperatures.

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Once in a lifetime green comet approaching closest point to Earth

The green comet named C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was only discovered on 2 March 2022, spotted from the Zwicky Transient Facility in California. But this year it’s been more widely visible and could be seen with the naked eye when it makes its closest fly-by.

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Meteorite that crashed onto a UK driveway contains the building blocks of life

The Winchcombe meteorite contains amino acids that potentially led to life on Earth.

The Winchcombe meteorite, which crashed onto a driveway in England in 2021 and is pristine enough to rival asteroid samples taken directly from space, contains amino acids that potentially led to the spawning of life on Earth.

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