The Spiritual Gold Rush 2016

“We are the Menorah, the collective voice of those whom you know as the Anunnaki gods, but we are the combined paradigm of the resounding frequencies of every planet in the universe. Together as the Menorah, we are one body, one mind, one soul, one Will, and our message to you comes from the inner core of the divine spark that resides within you all.

Our children, we ask you for your attention and we ask you to listen not only with your ears but with your hearts and souls. This has to be a communal and aligning effort on your part for the joining of minds is the power that generates change and your mental alignment with the divine mind which we represent is a co-operational mission to encourage the merging of your world with the new age and the sacred Ashram that is the new world where all are equal within the sight of each other, for you are all equal within our sight but the problem lies in your world, for you are not all equal in each other’s sight. Only then, when you see yourselves as each other, will the wars and manipulation of the soul and free-will end.

There is coming an event that you must be all be aware of and that you must take advantage of for it will be of great benefit to each of you individually and to humanity as a whole. This event we have called THE SPIRITUAL GOLD RUSH for it is then, during those days, that there will be an out-pour of celestial wisdom that shall move upon you. This gold represents the spiritual path to the alleviation of suffering through the transmutation of divine love. This gold represents the spiritual ladder that will help your souls to ascend above the material world in order to become one with your soul. Gold is the currency that gains you access to the Holy of Holies that is the garden of the Mother. Gold is the most purifying vibration that will bring the cleansing of the old ways and the old world order and it will aid yourselves in entering the self-purification process. Gold is divine wisdom and knowledge and the ability to understand the mysteries that were handed down to you by us and although there are many lies spread on Earth regarding gold and our title ‘Anunnaki’, gold is what we gave you but it was a gold that is not material; this gold that we gave you is spiritual enlightenment.

Right now, we know that all of you can feel the pain of your fellow Earthlings; we know that you are confused, afraid, disgusted, angry and sad. All seems so hopeless, doesn’t it? “When will it all end?”, you ask; “when will the loss of life, the cruelty and ignorance end?” We feel you and even though we know and understand the process that is taking place on Earth it still causes us pain to see our children at war with each other but more sadly, at war within themselves.

There are so many structures on your planet and they are non-physical structures. It is easy to bring down a building but it is not easy to dismantle non-physical structures. This is why everything you are experiencing is taking place because none of these structures that have been built in your consciousness are of the divine anymore. You feel that your planet is dying; you feel that the end, ‘Armageddon’, has finally arrived. You wait for a nuclear bomb and the ultimate war that is going to destroy all life. And it is good that you worry for your planet and for ALL LIFE for it shows that there is a unity that binds you all and this is one of love for where you live and each other.

This is the revelation of the covenant that we made with you and so you made with each other and that is to defend your home and to defend life on your home which are each of you, the animals, the ecosystem and everything that contains life and this means everything for even a rock is alive if you know how to speak to it.

In this covenant we made with you, we promised you that we would never leave you; we promised you that when there is chaos and strife we would send ourselves to awaken you and to empower you to lead you out of turmoil.  Sending ourselves means we incarnated as humans and this is many of you residing on Earth right now.

We promised you that through our blood you would continue to survive and thrive and build a civilization that would unite when the dark ones crept into your minds and caused you to separate. There is a war and this war has been happening for a long time and this war begins through cycles when those who oppose your spiritual advancement take reign and control humanity. There is no coming to peace unless it is through enlightenment but to do this, you must dig deeper into removing the shackles put on you by others who have told you what to believe and how to believe. Remember the gold that we said that we gave to you? It is still living within you and running through your very veins; you have just forgotten it and forgotten that you are all alchemists with the power to create in the name of love, light and divinity.

We will tell you what is happening and what is going to happen: As we have said, the world is shaking because it is entering the new aeon and no old structures can enter into this new aeon so they must be dismantled by the events taking place. Liberation from chains is never smooth and so each of the foreign structures that are non-physical are being forced by universal karmic laws to destroy and cancel themselves out. They are not attuned with the divine traditions and ways for they are not structures of spiritual freedom and growth but prisons that have no place in the new world.

So there is going to be suffering, still, which is a reaction of the cosmic forces that have been manipulated by the will of man and not the will of the divine and these cosmic forces are rebelling against the tyranny of the flesh and re-arranging themselves in order to rebirth themselves once again from the womb of the Mother that is the universe.

The female aspect is already showing her power but those who are unstable are fleeting from left to right and right to left and believe it to be a complete liberation of cause and effect and they are losing morals and ethics which is only leading them into disaster and degeneration. This is not the way, our children; you must keep your standards and your link with the divine for what is created materially is false and fades away but that which is created by divine hands is eternal and never dies.

And so is coming a new language which is a form of thought and perception which is new to you but not new to Earth for before the corruption of the divine council on Earth the gold book existed and all read from this one gold book and all understood the equality of each other and the true meaning of peace.

So we tell you that this spiritual gold rush will begin on 1st September 2016 of the Solar Eclipse until the 16th September 2016 that is the Lunar Eclipse. It is within this mixture of the dark and light that the cosmos is most fertile and sprouts and projects the golden rays towards Earth and all planets and constellations. It is during this time that the veil is almost invisible and you shall truly see truth as it is and not as you have been made to believe it is.

During these days, meditate, harvest this gold, channel it into your crown Chakras and let it fill your body. Magnify it if you know how and surround your planet with it. Allow it to permeate your very beings.

The Flame of Eros shall descend upon you all, he who is the son of Venus, the male progenitor of light. He shall seed the Earth with the illumination and love of his Mother and together the world shall return to The Divine Heart.

You are living in frightful but exciting times and you are all taking part in this piece of Earth and human history. We implore you to remember that your birth on Earth, to witness these events, was not by chance but an agreement by your soul to do so. Use all that you have to complete your divine mission on Earth and unite yourself with your true self that knows the ways of the righteous yet humble state of The Christhood which is the union with the Mother in the divine marriage of the soul and the expression of the divine feminine and masculine as one.”



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